My Messy Desk

For a split second this morning, I was appalled and ashamed of the state of my desk.

That quickly changed into appreciating the mess.

My messy desk tells the story of my week.  And it’s a great one.

a very messy desktop

It’s like an I Spy book, right? I Spy meets Week in Review.

To the left, you’ll see the stack of books and journals and binders that I haven’t been getting to much, lately.

And a little pile of toys I’ve had to take away from the boys for misusing / taking bites out of them.

My sewing kit (it’s brown, hard to see) from fitting costumes for the school musical.  Three weeks left!

And an Easter hat.  It was Easter this past weekend!  What a great holiday.

And then a chucks pad (absorbent things they lay down in nursing homes and hospitals, I own them for dog house-training) and a sweatshirt. My coauthor here on the blog, Deb, had her baby over the weekend, and I was privileged to be her doula.  I was prepared for both an overnight stay and a car baby.  We almost had the second!  (I’ll let her share her birth story if she wants.  Not mine to tell!)

In the middle, some things the kids have grown out of – their milestones booklet from our old pediatrician, a pair of pants too small for even the smaller kid, some diapers from two sizes ago that I found somewhere, lurking.  Underneath those are probably things I need to repair (normal spot for that.)

Then a computer, buried under some spring town-wide mailing (it’s spring! for real!) and an Easter gift.

Then a stack of kids’ activities that I pulled out of my purse.  Because Lent is (finally) over, and I no longer have to wrangle two crabby little boys through a naptime church service singlehandedly.  Hooray!

I had to get that stuff out of my bag because I actually had a career gig the other day – I gave a presentation about the Camp that I’m on the board of directors for (check here if you’re intrigued!) then I substitute taught for my husband.  Flexed some old muscles, there!  It’s the first time I’ve presented or taught since I started staying home two years ago – it was great!

On the left, a stack of forsaken mail.  The paper clutter monster is getting the better of me, again… must recommit to my KonMari paper control methods!  (Must recommit to my KonMari methods in general… )

Yesterday’s coffee cup.  Dishes are not getting priority, either, right now.

Our Q&A: 3-Year Journal for 2 People.  I talked about this in a recent favorites video – we’ve still been using it every day (or every few days) and we’re still enjoying it!  It sits out on my desk to remind us both to do it.

A graham cracker.  First breakfast, while I work early in the morning.  (This morning, that was all of 5 minutes before someone joined me.  Mom life!)

There you have it!  I’ve always been committed to authenticity. This is my desk.  This is normal for the end of a week, if not a little messier.  But it’s been a heck of a week!  A baby being born, a high holiday, lots of travel and family, musical practices, presenting, subbing.

What grace to carry us through all of those events.

What a blessing to live them.

What crazy items are living on your workspace today?  Happy Friday!